The owner of Milton Keynes shopping destination Centre:mk has unveiled a £10m refurbishment scheme.
Hermes Investment Management has already been granted planning permission and work is underway which will include new white emperador marble floorings, ceilings, bespoke hexagon pendant lighting and large glazed entrances to the north and south of Sunset Walk.
The refurbishment will be complete by late October.
Ed Sellick, asset manager at Hermes Investment Management, said: “These works are only one part of a five-year investment programme for Centre:mk and demonstrate our ambitious vision and commitment to maintaining the centre’s status as the region’s leading retail destination. Sunset Walk already has a strong reputation amongst some of the UK’s most highly regarded premium brands, and our plans are set to further increase its appeal.
“Sunset Walk will be a unique destination in a destination, benefitting from the strength of Centre:mk’s footfall and regional appeal, but with a distinctive contemporary environment that complements the line-up of aspirational brands.”