The Government has fired the starting gun on the race for places on a major fit-out framework to deliver its estate reorganisation programme.

Its Government Hubs office closure and relocation plan is expected to generate up to £1bn of fit-out work over the next seven years.

For HMRC alone, this will see the current landscape of 170 offices reoriented into 13 modern Regional Centres, equipped with the digital infrastructure and training facilities.

From a wider Government perspective, the programme will transform central government’s office estate by accommodating departmental workforces in shared regional hubs and supporting office estate.

The major works programme will offer opportunities on a mix of small to large, and simple to complex fit-out projects across the country for a select list of preferred contractors.

Between six and 10 firms will be selected for its major projects lot jobs worth more than £25m around the UK. In total this will account for £500m of the forecast spend.

For projects worth less than £25m, the UK will be divided into a northern and southern framework panel, each of up to 10 firms.

The Government Hubs Programme aims to reduce the Government office estate from 800 buildings to around 200 by 2023. These will be centralised into 18 to 22 strategic hubs, located in major city centres.

Earlier this year Turner & Townsend was brought on board by HMRC to deliver a full range of advisory services, from project and supply chain management to communications and stakeholder management.

Interested firms need to email Lesley Bond at the Cabinet Office government procurement unit for a market sounding questionnaire and details of the event by 20 October 2016 at the latest.

PQQ documents

Firms seeking access to online PQQ documentation must send an email to by 9 January.

This email should contain:

(a) the contract reference — Govt Hubs Fit-Out Framework,

(b) a contact email address;

(c) a contact name,

(d) the company name and contact telephone number

Tenderers must register on the eSourcing portal.

