Algeco has become the first offsite design and build contractor to formulate a response to the Department for Education (DfE) Spec21 Output Specification (S21).

Spec21 replaces the previous Output Specification and embeds net zero carbon in operation and climate resilience across the full suite of documents, as well as through the introduction of the Technical Annex 2J: Sustainability.

Spec21 is now live on and is mandated across all DfE delivered schools through its frameworks including MMC1 and the most recently launched CF21 framework.

Algeco achieved Spec21 by working with DfE recognised consultants, all of which are specialist in their chosen fields of architecture, M&E, financials and sustainability.

Collaborating with these partners, Algeco referenced its ongoing work at Northampton School for Boys as the benchmark. This £27m project is currently being delivering by Algeco OSS utilising its SEISMIC platform design modules to the DfE specification.

This provided the consultants with an evidential based approach that verifies the company’s recent innovative offsite platform meets the new requirements of Spec21.

The Spec21 new build standard sets out a number of new requirements around Climate Mitigation and Climate Resilience.

In terms of Climate Mitigation, Spec21 focusses on Operational carbon: Low energy fossil fuel free buildings which are net zero carbon in operation without offsite offsetting; and Embodied energy: Quantified impacts of embodied carbon on the school estate.

Mitigation is about delivering a low-energy building with the DfE setting minimum Fabric Energy Efficiency Standards and thermal performances that exceed building regulations.

The Climate Resilience elements of Spec21 include Climate Adaption: Healthy and product buildings that are safe, long lasting and respond to user needs, now and for the future in terms of overheating and flooding; and Biodiversity net gain: Resilient site settings that achieve a biodiversity net gain and respond to the Government’s 25 Year Environmental Plan (25YEP).

Resilience elements within Spec21 requires new school buildings to meet a +2°C climate change forecast and prove that they can meet a +4°C degree at some time in the future without structural intervention or cooling. Cross ventilation has become a mandatory requirement to support this.

James Withey, Managing Director at Algeco Offsite Solutions, said: “We are delighted to be in a position where we have formulated a response to the DfE’s Spec21 Output Specification. The fact that we have used consultants recognised by the DfE and referenced our ongoing work at Northampton School for Boys means we are confident of delivering to this specification on future projects.”

Algeco Offsite Solutions has been supplying bespoke, permanent offsite building solutions for over 60 years and been an approved supplier to DfE major procurement frameworks for over 15 years.

Algeco is part of the Modulaire Group, a leader in European modular services and infrastructure.

To find out more about Algeco offsite solutions and its response to Spec21, visit:
