BDP has been selected for architectural and lead design services for the £650m programme of works refurbishing buildings around the Houses of Parliament.
The Northern Estate Programme has been established to carry out essential refurbishment works on a number of listed buildings on the Parliamentary Estate that house offices for MPs and their staff and House of Commons staff.
The buildings require significant internal and external repair and modernisation to prevent failure of services. The work will comprise an overhaul of the mechanical and electrical services, as well as restoration to the fabric of the buildings. The scope of the programme, expected to be complete by the early 2020s, includes 1 Derby Gate, 1 Parliament Street, Norman Shaw North, and Norman Shaw South.
The buildings are deemed to be non-compliant with a range of regulatory and statutory building regulations, most notably fire safety. There are significant weaknesses in the building’s mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, and other essential services fail regularly.
Planning is still in progress, which will include the development of a more specific schedule. The approximate fee value range is £15m-£25m, depending on the extent of work that actually goes forward. The value of the work to be carried out is expected to be somewhere in the range of £150m to £650m and to take between three and four years to complete.
BDP’s bid was deemed to offer best value for money, with highest overall score combining quality and price. Its responsibilities on the project include architectural design, lead design, master planning, town planning, design management and co‐ordination, decant and relocation planning, workspace design, BIM services, heritage and conservation design, surveys management, security and other services.
The Northern Estate Programme is a separate programme of work to the Restoration & Renewal Programme for the Palace of Westminster, which is set to cost at least £1bn.