Nottingham City Homes, its residents and local communities are marking 100 years of council housing by burying a time capsule at different sites across the city, where new council houses are being built in this centenary year.

Three time capsules are being buried at NCH new build developments in Bulwell, Top Valley and the Meadows, and each capsule will include information unique to its local area and location.

One time capsule has been buried on the site of 20 new council houses on the former Clifton Miners Welfare club in The Meadows. Another, is being buried at the new Marlestones development in Bulwell, where NCH are building 13 new Council houses.

The 100 year celebrations is coming to an end with the final capsule being buried at Knights Close in Top Valley – where another 20 new family homes are being built.

10 year old Bethan Barker and 9 year old Bailey Henson helped to bury the time capsule at the Marlestones development. Bethan said: “It’s good that in 100 years people are going to dig this up and see what’s inside. We put some drawings in and we hope people in the future like them.”

Nick Murphy, Chief Executive at Nottingham City Homes, said: “This has been a special year for us, marking the centenary of when councils were first given the task of developing good quality new housing where it was needed. Some of the homes built in 1919 are still providing great council houses today.  But the time capsules are all about looking to the future as well as celebrating the past. We are building affordable homes today which we want to be great places to live for the next 100 years.

“We have worked with residents, local schools and communities to fill these time capsules with items that tell our story, and it would be fascinating to see what future generations think in 100 years’ time.”

Councillor Linda Woodings, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Heritage, said, “Nottingham’s council housing story is an important part in the city’s past, present and future. I’m really proud that we are marking that journey on the sites where new council homes are being created across the city today”.

“Affordable, good quality council housing is as important now as it was a hundred years ago, with growing demand as the cost of renting or buying privately soars. This remains a priority for the City Council and Nottingham City Homes, so together we continue to build new homes, improve existing ones and ensure tenants are happy.”

Tom Woodhead, Business Services Director at the Woodhead Group who are delivering the three sites said. “We can only imagine what the future of housing might be in 100 years’ time.  Will we be better at effectively harvesting renewables or have built self-healing homes? One thing we do know is the next 100 years is certainly going to be exciting for housing.”

