Paul Henson, Sales & Marketing Director at Ramtech Electronics, explains why contractors working on refurbishments need to consider the benefits of an EN 54 compliant wireless fire alarm system.
Fire can have a devastating impact, not least for the people working on site, but also for what might be a historically or architecturally significant building. While measures can be taken to minimise the danger through good site practice, the benefit of specifying an EN 54 compliant fire alarm system cannot be understated.
Home Office statistics indicate as many as 104,000 fires occur on construction and refurbishment projects each year, with more than 40 per cent of them a result of arson. These fires can be started in any number of ways. The presence of flammability materials and use of hot works make both refurbishments and new builds vulnerable.
In order to address these risks, more contractors are investing in a reliable and regulatory compliant EN 54 fire alarm system. Not only do they save lives by ensuring personnel evacuate to a muster point quickly, an appropriately specified, compliant wireless fire alarm system allows rescue services to be alerted at the earliest opportunity, ensuring they can tackle the blaze before it results in wholesale destruction.
JCOP guidance
In 2016 the UK insurance industry made it clear that there was now an expectation that construction and refurbishment project should be protected by a fire alarm system that complies with JCoP’s (Joint Code of Practice) 9th edition. Effectively, that means they should comply with the relevant sections of EN 54.
It is important to note that not all wireless fire alarm systems are the same and not all comply with EN 54. If the fire alarm system has been tested by a notified body a four digit test centre number will be visible after the CE mark. Your supplier should be able to provide a Declaration of Performance certificate to demonstrate this. To achieve EN 54 system approval, the complete unit, including base station, fire point or smoke and heat detection unit should all have been tested to the relevant part of EN 54.
Our WES+ wireless fire alarm system, which is EN 54 compliant, is currently protecting the original Grade II Great Scotland Yard police station in London whilst it is undergoing refurbishment into a five-star luxury hotel by Galliard Homes. David Ridge, Sites Services Manager, explained: “We felt that there must be a better way of protecting the Great Scotland Yard development from the dangers of fire. Following extensive research we identified WES+ as a system that would provide us with a step-change in usability by the fact it is wireless.”
The fire alarm system now installed at Great Scotland Yard will trigger a site-wide alarm even if just one of the manual call points or automatic heat/smoke detectors is activated. This will allow all personnel to evacuate the site and rescue services to be alerted at the earliest opportunity. Wireless fire alarm systems are a preferred choice on refurbishments, especially listed and heritage buildings because they avoid having to drill holes to fix cabling. The wireless signal replaces the cable and each unit is interlinked so it provides a mesh network of coverage throughout the site. Avoiding the need for a wired connection means the manual or automatic heat / smoke detectors can be easily moved as the schedule progresses.
Fire warning
There is a need to be constantly vigilant, 24/7, when it comes to fire. Its ability to injure or worse and cause irreparable damage to architecturally significant buildings is reason enough for many to specify an EN 54 compliant wireless fire alarm system. As a result, more insurers and clients now have an expectation that contractors take adequate steps to protect their building from fire. An EN 54 wireless fire alarm system is more flexible and easier to reposition than traditional wired methods and results in better outcomes for all.”
To ensure your site has the best possible protection for workers and assets, whilst complying with the new EN54 standard, call the WES+ helpline on:
00 44 (0) 115 822 3424, or visit: