The Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal Delivery Authority (the ‘Delivery Authority’) today announces a preliminary market consultation in connection with the future appointment of three long-term Strategic Partners. The Delivery Authority invites prospective suppliers to its first major early market engagement event, in the Palace of Westminster on Monday 16 October, at which it will launch the consultation with suppliers in advance of full-scale procurements which we anticipate commencing in 2024. It is anticipated that the award of any future contracts will follow the approval by Members of both Houses of Parliament of costed proposals for the Restoration and Renewal of the Palace of Westminster (‘the R&R Programme’).

Following endorsement of the R&R strategic case, expected around the end of this calendar year, and as the Delivery Authority moves towards the delivery phase of the R&R Programme, it wishes to work with suitably qualified and experienced long-term Strategic Partners who share its vision to deliver the restoration and renewal works to the Palace of Westminster. To this end the Delivery Authority wishes to consult on its proposals in connection with the future appointment of the following Strategic Partners:

  1. Design Services Partner to undertake design services.
  2. An Integrator to oversee, manage and integrate the programme.
  3. Construction Partner to support the development and completion of the design, and to procure, undertake, and manage the works.

Suppliers will be invited, following the event on 16 October, to provide feedback in response to the consultation on the proposed contract delivery model (including proposed alliancing arrangements) and commercial model to ensure the successful delivery of the R&R Programme.

At the event, the market will learn about the delivery options that are under consideration by both Houses of Parliament of the scope of the restoration and renewal works and how they will be delivered.

David Goldstone CBE, Chief Executive, Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal Delivery Authority, said:

“The Palace of Westminster sits at the heart of the Parliamentary estate, is one of the most recognised buildings in the world and is the seat of the UK’s parliamentary democracy. The scale of the challenge of maintaining and restoring the Palace is huge. Significant investment and ongoing maintenance is already happening across the Parliamentary estate but a more extensive and fundamental programme of works is needed to preserve The Palace for future generations, and to continue ensuring the safety of those who work and visit.

“To deliver this major programme the Delivery Authority will need to engage the right long term strategic partners and be supported by a truly expert supply chain. We have been working hard to identify a preferred delivery model that will drive collaboration and innovation throughout the supply chain. We plan to test our approach with all interested parties, to gain market insight on our approach and to inform key elements of the Delivery Authority’s future Commercial Strategy and to ensure we are set up to deliver the best quality and value for the project.

“This is a nationwide endeavour and I strongly encourage suppliers of all sizes and scales, from across the UK, to attend the Delivery Authority’s upcoming supply chain engagement event and to respond to our market engagement consultation questionnaires.”

It is anticipated that up to 100 suppliers will attend the event, which will be co-hosted by The Rt Hon Mr Nigel Evans MP, Chair of the Restoration and Renewal Programme Board and by David Goldstone CBE, Chief Executive of the Delivery Authority.

The call to engage the market has been advertised openly on Find a Tender via Prior Information Notice (PIN), which includes information about how suppliers can register their interest to attend the market consultation event on Monday 16 October. As space is limited, a maximum of one person from each interested organisation may attend the market consultation event.

Following the market consultation event, a Briefing Paper and Questionnaire will be issued to all interested suppliers, so that potential Strategic Partners and the wider Supply Chain, including SMEs, can provide their views. Full details will also be published on the Delivery Authority’s e-tendering portal.
