ISG has secured its latest win with Aviva Investors, taking an £11 million scheme to refurbish Pinnacle House in Wimbledon. The project sees ISG increase existing office accommodation by circa 50 per cent, with the addition of three new floors and a revised internal layout to create a 56,000 sq ft high-specification office development.

This win represents the continuation of a successful partnership between ISG and Aviva Investors, which has seen the completion of major office developments at Mansfield House and 33 Kingsway and a current £12 million scheme to create a unique dining destination at Exeter’s neo-classical Guildhall.

ISG will transform the outdated façade of the existing building, replacing the roadside brickwork and glazed elevation with a striking scalloped curtain walling design. Internally, the building will be comprehensively stripped back to a shell and core state, with ISG carrying out extensive structural works, replacing cores, creating a new central staircase, installing lifts and delivering new mechanical and electrical services infrastructure. Significant alterations will be made to the main entrance and public realm space, with a new ground floor reception area created.

Stuart Deverill, ISG’s Southern regional managing director, commented: “This transformational scheme will revitalise an outdated property asset in the centre of Wimbledon into a stand out office development, with a significant increase in rentable space and a striking new exterior. This latest scheme both strengthens our existing relationship with Aviva Investors and reinforces our specialist credentials delivering complex, structural office refurbishment projects in logistically challenging environments.”
