County Durham housing association Livin Homes has signed a near 10-year deal with Mears to deliver housing maintenance and repairs.

The long term deal worth £109m is due to start in July and will cover repairs and cyclical maintenance including voids and gas servicing across a housing stock of around 8,500 homes.

Under the terms of the deal with the Spennymoor-based group Mears will provide a total asset management solution including asbestos surveys, structural surveys, planning and building control applications and building surveying services.

It is the second major contract win this year for Mears following a deal with Eastbourne Homes, an arms length management organisation of Eastbourne Borough Council, to deliver responsive repairs, voids, aids and adaptations works to the borough.

The new five-year contract, which includes a possible extension of a further five years, started on 1 April this year.
