PLANS SUBMITTED by CPMG Architects for the second phase of the ‘Pelham Waterside’ housing development on Trent Lane in Nottingham have been approved by Nottingham City Council.
The first phase of 73 homes is nearing completion and phase two will see the construction of a further 12 houses and 27 apartments, located near the banks of the River Trent, close to Nottingham city centre and within the Waterside Regeneration Zone. Owned by Pelham Homes, the properties have been designed to embrace sustainability, community and nature, bringing new residents to the riverside location.
The wharf-style town houses create an attractive façade to the development with their combination of cream brickwork, timber cladding and dark aluminium windows. With extensive hard and soft landscaping throughout the development, the community of people that move into these homes will benefit from a high-quality public realm.
Steve Milan, associate and lead for the scheme at CPMG, said: “We’re delighted to have received planning for the second phase of Pelham Waterside. Our design ethos at CPMG is people, purpose, place, and these three principles drive all of our designs from every angle. However, the coronavirus pandemic has certainly driven home the message of how important our environment is to our wellbeing – both in our homes and in our access to quality outdoor space.”
The development has seen the regeneration of a brownfield site and has sustainability integrated into the design, incorporating thermally-efficient building fabric and the use of low-energy fittings throughout. A combination of good quality brickwork and timber cladding provide a natural feel to the buildings, which also feature generously-sized windows and Juliet balconies, to allow good levels of natural daylight and ventilation throughout.
Steve added: “The upper floors of both the townhouses and apartments benefit from large picture windows and roof terraces that offer views of both the River Trent and the city’s transforming skyline. We have also carried out external landscaping to create green public space around the mature trees on the eastern boundary of the site, to promote wellbeing and create inviting outdoor spaces.”
Traffic-calmed access roads into and through the site have been incorporated to ensure safe travel and encourage use of Nottingham’s ample public transport provisions.
Nick Gregory, director at CPMG, said: “At a time when our home city is undergoing a drastic transformation and major redevelopment in the city centre, these homes will bring new residents to the riverside area and rejuvenate a previously disused industrial site on the east side of Trent Lane.
“We have a great deal of expertise in delivering excellent residential schemes and creating new communities with beautiful homes, particularly within Nottingham itself, and we’re looking forward to continuing our work with Pelham Homes to make Pelham Waterside a reality.”
Allan Fisher, director of Pelham Homes, said: “We are really pleased to be contributing to the regeneration in this area of Nottingham. The designs produced by CPMG not just a new housing development, but one that attractively lies in and complements the surrounding area.”
The project team for phase two of Pelham Waterside is Couch Perry Wilkes, mechanical and electrical consultants and Curtins, structural engineers.
For more information about CPMG Architects, please visit