The Promat ULTIMA VIP range of ultra-thin vacuum insulated panels from fire and thermal insulation manufacturing specialist Promat provides the ideal solution for achieving the highest thermal performance levels in buildings without the need to make walls, floors and roofs excessively deep.

Promat, who have been at the forefront of VIP technology since the 1970s, have developed a range of ULTIMA products in standard depths of between just 20mm and 50mm, which can deliver thermal performance up to 10 times better than alternative materials. Even thinner Promat ULTIMA VIP panels, which are still capable of delivering superior thermal insulation, can also be manufactured for bespoke applications in thicknesses down to as little as 10mm.

This dual benefit enables the building envelope to both satisfy the demanding requirements of the latest Building Regulations and minimise the thickness of the construction build-up. Promat ULTIMA VIP is ideal for inverted roofs, balconies and terraces where adding extra insulation could impact on the practicality and aesthetics of the building feature.

Promat ULTIMA VIP also benefits domestic and commercial projects by allowing for additional high value floor space by reducing the thickness of walls without compromising thermal performance – and potentially improving it. This factor is particularly important for those architects who are seeking to increase the size of living space within the UK’s homes, which are often criticised for being amongst the smallest in Europe.

And Promat ULTIMA VIP can be particularly beneficial in refurbishment projects, where space if often limited within the building cavity or roof voids, given its thin format. This could help to bring heritage buildings, including those with listed status, up to 21st century building performance standards without being detrimental to their appearance.

The effectiveness of Promat ULTIMA VIP comes through its formulation of a filament reinforced silica and opacifier core encased in an ultra-low permeation barrier film. The insulation panels offer a thermal resistance (R-value) of 6.67 W/m²K and thermal conductivity of just 0.0042 W/m∙K – this means the thermal transmittance (U-value) of a 20mm thick ULTIMA panel is a low 0.305 W/m²K.

Nicolas Molina, Segment Manager – Fire Rated Assemblies and Appliances (OEM) at Promat, said: “As the UK government moves towards the Future Homes Standard (FHS), the 2022 update to Approved Document L in England and Wales is a clear signal of intent and another step towards making the building envelope super insulated. But with the thinness of Promat ULTIMA VIP, that doesn’t mean we need to enter an era of buildings with excessively thick walls, floors and roofs, as it provides superior thermal insulation with minimal depth.

“Whilst VIP technology may not be new – in fact Promat were one of the pioneers of this technology back in the 1970s – it is still regarded as the ‘gold standard’ for thermal insulation. So, given the urgency with which we need to seriously raise the bar when it comes to the thermal performance of our buildings, Promat ULTIMA VIP is already here as a go-to solution for anyone seeking to hit much higher building standards.”
