Repair work on 17 schools shut down in Edinburgh because of defective construction work will take until August to complete.
Building defects were discovered last month in schools across the city built by the Edinburgh Schools Partnership under a £360m private finance deal.
Construction of the schools was completed in 2005.
The first phase of the deal saw building of 13 schools overseen by a 50/50 joint venture of Miller Construction and Amey. The second phase was built by Miller. Edinburgh City Council has now confirmed that remediation work on nine of the schools will not be completed until early August ahead of pupils returning on the 17th.
Three schools will reopen next month with remediation work on another five due to be completed in June.
Council Leader Andrew Burns said: “The planned programme of remediation works from Edinburgh Schools Partnership gives everyone a clearer picture of when schools will reopen and I am sure parents will welcome the news. The safety of our children is our number one priority and we all want our schools to reopen safely, as soon as possible.We will continue to work with ESP and their partners to ensure all work and quality checks are completed, so we can update parents as quickly with information about their schools. If we are able to bring forward reopening dates then we will do so.”