SIG Roofing is supporting 11 apprentices through the Re:allies Framework, an initiative which provides smart procurement to asset management solutions for social housing projects that generates efficiencies to directly support people into training and employment in their local communities.

The UK’s leading specialist merchant of roofing solutions, which supplies products through the Re:allies planned maintenance framework to a number of clients across the north of England, has provided starter toolkits and ongoing training and mentoring to support 11 apprentices as well as sponsoring three of these apprentices who, due to SIG’s support, have overcome barriers and now gained employment for construction companies on the Procure Plus Framework.

Kieren Stevenson, Samuel Howarth and Megan Boygle have been recruited through Re:vision (a subsidiary charity of Procure Plus Holdings), supported by its partnership with local employment groups in the north: Newground, Achieve and Women and Manual Trades (WaMT).

Kieren Stevenson

Kieren is a roofing apprentice with Connolly Ltd working to improve properties for Flintshire Council through the Procure Plus Framework. Kieren had always wanted to be a roofer but struggled to secure a training course due to his dyslexia.

Finding school difficult due to his undiagnosed condition of dyslexia, Kieren didn’t reach his potential. On leaving school he had a few jobs and worked for a construction company gaining some experience of roofing. The work opportunities were inconsistent with long periods of unemployment. He was also involved in a fight during a night out and received a custodial sentence. This made his search for work all the more difficult. Kieren worked closely with Achieve, who supported him in a variety of ways through his rehabilitation, including improving his confidence and practicing interviews.  Achieve is a key community partner of Re:vision and were informed of an opportunity which had been identified on a roofing scheme run by Connolly, for which Kieren was suitable. After completing a work trial with Connolly Ltd, Kieren was offered a roofing apprenticeship. Kieren is now at college on block release undertaking the level 2 roofing qualification.

Mike Taylor from the Achieve Programme, said: “Working in partnership with Re:vison has been very positive for Kieren, removing barriers during the recruitment process helped him gain the position. The apprenticeship has made a massive difference for improving his confidence.”

When Kieren stared his apprenticeship, he was delighted to receive a toolkit from Re:vision, made possible through the SIG Group sponsorship. Kieren said: “Getting the apprenticeship is amazing, I am determined to work hard and be worthy of the faith that everyone at Achieve, Re:vision, SIG Group and Connolly Ltd have shown in me. The toolkit is fantastic, it is just what I needed. I know I would never have had this opportunity without all this support.”

Due to the SIG Roofing sponsorship, Kieren continues to do well in his apprenticeship. Both his supervisor at Connolly Ltd and his college tutor are very pleased with his progress and motivation. Kieren receives ongoing mentoring support from the Re:vision team.

Sam Haworth

Sam was introduced to Re:vision by Newground, who have been working with Sam to improve his employability skills. Sam had short-term employment previously but found himself laid off when a contract finished. With previous experience of working in construction and engineering, he was very keen to get back into employment. Following an interview with WRPS, Sam was excited to be given an opportunity to complete a work trial for an apprentice roofer position. During the work trial Sam impressed the site manager with his enthusiasm and commitment.

Sam started his apprenticeship in late 2018 and is working on a Together Housing roofing project in Blackburn. He is very pleased to be undertaking the two-year apprenticeship delivered by Bolton College, attending training on block release every five weeks.

Sam said: “The support received from Newground and Re:vision has been really important in helping me get back on my feet. I am now a much happier person and determined to become a qualified roofer to make my mum and dad proud.”

Nik Czernianin Contract Director at WRPS stated: “We are delighted with Sam, we know that candidates put forward by Newground and Re:vision have had a lot of support and are always well prepared for work when they come to us. Re:vision continue to support the apprentices and ourselves to ensure that they have the best chance of success and complete their apprenticeships. The toolkits the apprentices receive are excellent.”

Alison Clews, Skills and Enterprise Coordinator from Newground said: “Many of our clients require help with employability skills and the support, from Re:vision and sponsors like SIG is vital in enabling Newground to achieve our goal of getting local residents into work. Re:vision also helps employers to understand the challenges and barriers our clients may need to overcome to sustain their employment.”

Megan Boygle

Megan could not find an apprenticeship opportunity, so went to college hoping that they would help her find an employer while she started training. After completing a Carpentry & Joinery Diploma, Megan was still unable to secure an apprenticeship and complete the qualification. The rejections from some companies had a negative effect on her confidence. Megan sought support from the charity Women and Manual Trades (WaMT).

WaMT provide advice support and guidance to facilitate the growth in women’s career opportunities within the construction sector, and is a key community partner of Re:vision, working to support both employers and women to make women the norm, rather than the exception, within the construction industry. Re:vision  had identified a position on a roofing project in Salford, and WaMT put Megan forward for a joinery apprenticeship with the contractor, Emanuel Whittaker. Megan started the apprenticeship opportunity with Emanuel Whittaker in July 2018 and has been working in Salford replacing soffits and facias supplied through SIG.

Re:vision has worked with local training providers and has arranged for Megan to be signed up to complete the carpentry & joinery apprenticeship and she is doing extremely well refining her skills. Megan is working as part of the team from Emanuel Whittaker who are improving the housing stock of Salix Homes.

Lee Bradbury – Labour Manager for Emanuel Whittaker stated: “The work undertaken by Re:vision with Women and Manual Trades has helped to source female candidates from the local communities where we work. We are delighted with how Megan has fitted into the team and confident the she will have a great career with us in the future.”

Megan said: “This opportunity is great for me I have always wanted to be a joiner and learning on the job with Emanuel Whittaker has been fantastic. I am improving my skills daily and progressing well with my qualification.”

As with all SIG sponsored apprentices Megan has received a toolkit and will continue to receive mentoring support from Re:vision.

Fiona Sharp – Operations Director, Re:vision said: “Megan is not unusual, we come across many young people who have completed a diploma and still been unable to secure employment.  As a result of the funding we have received from SIG we are able to make a difference and support employers and their apprentices, putting a stop to wasted talent.”

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